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Writer's pictureRetro Sonya

Putting things in order of their importance!

Updated: Nov 10, 2024

God's value system vs the Aryan worldview - Part 4

I will start this out by saying that these following posts of opinions from other people do not necessarily represent my personal views on this matter. But it is to highlight the fact that we have been duped into victim culture which also comes with the spirit of pride.

Anonymous pro-Aryan accounts (and the spirit of rejection that is behind them) have issued a challenge against me. Because their religion has taught us to rank people who were born with lighter features to the top when it comes to the order of importance. So here, I issue the challenge back to them by turning the tables on their reasons, arguments, and pretexts.


Being put on a pedestal does not equal persecution!

On various Western pages I have seen this idea floating around which puts emphasis on those who possess lighter features by reason of “persecution”. Change the word "persecution" to "prejudice" and it takes a whole other meaning. Because that is really what I see under the surface. That's the first thing that comes to mind when constantly being confronted with posts like this on social media. And if it doesn't uplift you, my advice to you is to unfollow.

So that brings up the next question: Western kind possesses every hair color and eye color in the color wheel. Seeing posts that zero in on only light features makes me question: Is this a Western page or an Aryan page? Why are they primarily zeroing in on light features? Why don't they also acknowledge the beauty Westerners with darker features have as well?

What the world views as the most important thing.
What the world views as the most important thing.

Of course, blue eyes are pretty, too. Not downplaying them. So are all shades of brown, green, hazel, amber, grey, red, violet, even black. So why am I seeing this all light features beauty standard pushed so much by these people? My color doesn't mean anything. Nor does yours.

((Just pointing out how powerful it is to simply exist with blonde and red hair. They have to try to diminish it while expecting us to care anything about them. Very amusing!))

A woman’s hair is her glory,

Only if it’s blonde or red,

Wait...that’s not what the scripture says.

I'm seeing a lot of talk about what makes a person special or powerful with the exclusion of people who have dark features, including other Westerners who have them.

All of us are powerful. Not just some of us. All of us! And you are powerful with your kind of different. Believe in that!

(("Recessive" is exactly another way of saying "special" or "gift." Once gone, they do not come back.))

Your words suggest a lack of understanding about genetics, implying that brown-eyed Westerners are not "special" or capable of having blue-eyed offspring. This ignorance highlights the persistence of colorism, devaluing individuals based on color, which is repugnant. It's disheartening that some fail to recognize their own worth beyond superficial attributes.

Your image is just as important as anyone else's image.

Confidence is knowing that you are a unique individual and that you are just as deserving as anyone else!

I can't say this enough! God's image and likeness is where our importance comes from, not how our eyes perceive color (which is extremely limited). I'll expand on that on another blog.


One is not more/less important on the basis of their color!

In response to this post, I stated: "My first crush was a brunet with brown eyes. I would literally never judge a man this way, ever."

Here they go on stating why they believe that it is important to solely zero in on light features only. I received comments such as:

Addressing the other comment:

(("Brunettes with brown eyes are just as beautiful... but.... they are not under the same kind of targeted attack as the more fair features...."))

In other words, they are emphasizing that lighter features are a more important thing to focus on by reason of “persecution” (and by that also deeming the others as less important), and by putting light featured Westerners at the top, they are putting things in order of their importance. And all the while trying to stir up these people into thinking that they are widely hated, oppressed, and marginalized specifically based on those biological factors alone? In our culture? What an insult it is to Westerners of all differences who have been successful.

Why can't you represent all Westerners along with their history and struggle? But to ask this question, I am met with: ((Brunettes are not under the same kind of targeted attack...)) as they quote. So, is that not colorism? Disregarding our struggles merely because of the color of hair or eyes we were born with? On one side of the spectrum we are told we are "racist" and "privileged" and on the other side of the spectrum our legitimate struggles are downplayed due to our darker hair strands? This should not be acceptable! Can you imagine somebody saying that to your child? Hear me out.

To be clear, I don’t need you to tell me that I matter. But hearing the condolence given to these other people based on their lighter features while leaving darker pigmented Westerners out of the equation when it comes to history and struggle, inevitably you start to feel devalued, misrepresented, or ignored. And this ultimately pits one group against another based on characteristics we can't control.

On a side note:

If you are trying to tell me that my hair color is of little importance, I would have to agree with you. My color doesn’t mean anything. Because I am chosen by grace, and not by color.

However, your pretexts and set value system is based on the oldest lie in the book. So let’s delve into this topic a little more, shall we? Did you know that, as a darker featured Westerner; I have also received the brunt of colorism in the Western community from very prejudice individuals? Why are you turning a blind eye to that?

In the midst of that, if we want to rank things in order of their importance when it comes to "persecution" and "marginalization", wouldn’t you think that there are much more important things to focus on than colorism? Why are we twisting ourselves into a pretzel over a small percentage of a percentage of the population who hate you because of your lack of pigment? Or the abundance thereof? As you would say to us?

((Why are you taking the meme personal? We know they don't hate white people just because they often have blonde hair and blue eyes. We know they hate us because we are white. No one is saying white people with brown hair and brown eyes are not beautiful or do not suffer anti-whiteism. Brown hair and brown European eyes are beautiful but the reality is they target fair features and their psychological warfare.))

(This is the pretext they are using to justify this anti-brown features discrimination or exclusion? What an insult these people are.)

How could you people not accept what I am saying to you? This is vile. So, this is what you're portraying as the biggest issue in the world right now? The hair and eye color of villains in stories and movies, right? I don't really know where you are getting the idea that blondes with blue eyes are exclusively under attack purely because light featured villains are portrayed in movies.

((They constantly portray these features to those of a villain and associate them with evil. They go out of their way not to cast a brown eyed villain.))

OK, let's look at it another way. The same could be said about darker featured villains for millennia, for decades. I could show plenty of examples. But you've never noticed that?

Especially those with yellow eyes. And I've got those.

Those with eye colors such as yellow Amber and red are usually portrayed as vampires, dark, evil, and or sinister in movies.

But that didn't seep through your internet searches? How is that for portrayal of villains in stories? Got to love being portrayed as vampires in movies and books, right?


Is rarity truly the reason we are demonized?

So, why then should I believe this to be important? She goes on and states her second reason:

There they pull out the argument that: ((They are MORE RARE))! This is not always true. Blue eyes are not rare in the West. Blue eyes are the second most common eye color in the world next to brown. More rare? I wouldn't consider 27% of the population rare. But if you consider them to be so, then sure, any eye color other than brown is considered rare by that standard.

You know what’s truly rare? The beauty of his holiness and likeness in the hearts of people. Reflect that! 👇

I guess this should be considered the forgotten scarcity. 🤷‍♀️ So why don't we put this at the top when it comes to the order of importance? It seems that we have lost our perspective.

I never heard this before. This is a new one on me. Westerners with lighter features being persecuted solely for their light eyes and hair? I never experienced this in all my days. Who thinks this way?

I'd like for you to name one right that I have that a redhead or blonde is denied. I'll wait...

((Well...unlike blondes and redheads, brunettes don't get bullied for their hair color.))


So, it's not that I supposedly have more rights than you, but that you have a grievance? Tell me, where are the organizations or groups in our cultural sphere that are trying to attack blondes or those with blue eyes exclusively? I haven't read about it or seen it anywhere. Where is that coming from?

((Just google it. The Washington Times posted a biased blog against blondes written by some white dude who clearly has issues.))

Before going any further with this, I would like to point out the hypocrisy of these people complaining about this who also see my posts. Where was the outrage when I was the one put down for my brunette celebration posts?

You're outraged over what was said about the little blonde boy in the post while absolutely condemning it? That's great! Now, why weren't you willing to do the same for me and others like me? Oh! It's because....

((They are more RARE and under attack. You shouldn't have a problem with this!))

There’s a strange entitlement radiating from some lighter-haired women who, despite playing into a narrative of "oppression," actually receive favor and preference in our society. Unlike what they claim, they aren’t persecuted for their hair color; they’re openly celebrated and upheld by both men and women. Meanwhile, these same women stay silent when nordicist men put us down while they call us “default,” “mediocre,” or nothing special. They say nothing as these men openly express their prejudice against us, just as they do the non-whites and mixed-heritage people whom they disrespect. All the while also applying their narrow beauty standards onto us, suggesting we should bleach or dye our naturally darker hair to conform. And when we push back, we’re met with gaslighting and dismissed as “jealous” or “bitter.” This silence isn’t just complacency—it’s complicity. And if labeling and sidelining others based on these standards isn’t a form of bullying, then what is? This reality, so often ignored, needs to be addressed head-on.

Yes, there is real prejudice expressed against certain people over things like hair or eye colors. But you want to sit here cosplaying oppression because you want to feel 'special'.

Not a yawn, not a burp, not a single peep from these people to Mr. James (and the many others) for putting me down for my hair color. But you want to suggest that those with brunette features don't also suffer discrimination? While you bask in your pride?

If you're going to let your paranoia rage over a twitter post from a dude who probably had too much to drink that night? Why are you defending the show of partiality against all others?

I wouldn't be surprised if a sum of them are of the same group of people promoting this prejudice! Who would have thought it?

If you believe that you are the only people who are targeted, then you're either living in a world of total irrational fear, or this is something that you are choosing to ignore. This whole idea, that the only monster out there is the prejudice against fair features is an invention created by the neo-Nazis themselves. Do you not know anything about their whole-hearted prejudice against Christians and Jews?

Speaking of Christians, do you know about the millions who have been slaughtered in China, Russia, the Middle East, and Africa lately?? Even in the West? Did that not seep through your internet searches as well?

((What does Christianity or Christians have to do with this? You're off topic.))

I'm not off topic. I'm right on it. You claim to be putting things in order of their importance by zeroing in on people with lighter features and claiming that they are the most persecuted and marginalized group, therefore you are making an issue out of a few delusional individuals who have said some ridiculous things about them and using that as evidence for your claim. I'm trying to tell you, from my perspective that:

Everyone, at certain points; will be faced with prejudice. There is no way of getting around this.

I'm trying to show you the bigger world. There is a difference between being singled out for a physical difference and real persecution. This still doesn't justify colorism either. But neither does that amount to a single jot of what Christians have gone through for their faith. So why are you more offended by this than the millions of Christians who have been slaughtered in the Middle East for their faith? Why is nothing being said about this? By the mainstream media? And yourself?

((Christians be like: 'These corrupt politicians just want to advance Satan's agenda'. It's all about race. Trust me. We are different. We are a world minority. They want what we have.))

Isn't antiwhitism just another tool in Satan's plan to divide us? It's part of a larger agenda aimed at controlling governments and people's lives. Don't be fooled by their propaganda. It's not about race or color; it's about imposing a one-world government where they rule, and we're enslaved. Don't believe me?

Do you know who else believes they are of a "superior race" other than those of you who are of the Aryan purity spiralist worldview? Look no further than the Satanic Luciferian Illumanists. They believe in a Xeno-centric doctrine which is academically 3X beyond Hitler's Nazi Germany. They believe in the 'superiority' of their race, too. They believe they are the descendants of the Great White Dragon and that they are of different bloodlines. Sound similar? And this gets into all this triple stranded DNA helix stuff. And they believe it is their 'divine right' to rule and reign over this world, and that ALL anglos must be eradicated. Not just some of them! Not just certain types of them. All of them!! And that goes for ALL others who are created in the image of God.

They are not interested in the cohabitation of the Western powers in any way shape or form. And since the United States of America is the last bastion of freedom, they have devised a way to take down the US from the inside out by promoting antiwhite hatred and Marxist ideas.

So tell me again why they are trying to promote antiwhiteism. Tell me again why our government leaders are standing with open borders in every single country across the West. Tell me again why they are trying to desecrate our history and teach our children that our founders were not heroes but villains? And why are they attacking Christians, nationalists, and conservatives so heavily? Especially Christian values? Think about it.

White people in general are a minority. We have always been a world minority, but that has never stopped us from accomplishing great things. We also widely hold to Christian/Traditional values and Western values that often conflict with their Luciferian agenda. So of course they are trying to take down the West. It's all about control.


They are looking at everybody, not just you!

So, explain to me why Christians are more heavily persecuted. Explain to me why they nailed Jesus to the cross. Was it because they wanted what he had? Was it about his race? Or was it for a different reason? If you think this is only about race and color, you'd be dead wrong. That's what the Satanic Luciferian Illumanists want you to think. This sums up the real reason why they hate us. Also, Christians are more heavily attacked regardless of their race.

Millions of Christians throughout history to present have been murdered for their faith by those who have a hatred for Jesus. If we want to put things in order of their importance when it comes to persecuted and marginalized groups, I would put Christians at the top. That's not an irrational statement considering there is a war constantly raged in the Middle East, and in particular; against Christians right now as we speak.

((But, as a white person with blonde hair I feel marginalized when I see blonde villains cast in movies. I feel marginalized because we get singled out or demonized. We can't even have groups or organizations that represent us or our interests while others get to have that privilege.))

It seems to me that your entire orientation towards the world is about your hair and eye color. You actually see nothing beyond that.

Where have I heard this from? Oh yes! Independent magazine. On a blog called "10 reasons why it's good to be a redhead," Jacky C. states:

((Being a redhead means, more often than not, standing up for difference. To celebrate the otherness of ourselves and, well, others. As different forms of prejudice and discrimination have been slowly but steadily outlawed, the fact that the rubiferous are still expected to put up with being stereotyped, teased, marginalised and picked on has become more and more visible.))

I acknowledge your challenges, Jacky, and I don't intend to minimize them. However, I'm curious about why you perpetuate the same prejudiced notions against individuals with brunette features that are often encountered in Western societies. It's disheartening to witness our own community contributing to this discrimination. It's a reality that people of various backgrounds experience prejudice at some point in their lives, but it's difficult to comprehend when we encounter it from within our own circles. All the while, we are expected to ((take rejection with a smile)), especially when individuals like you seem to contribute to the negative stereotypes and biases against us.

Funny how you state on your blog that anyone else who doesn't look like you are "two a penny". Devaluing other people so you can feel proud is a real turn off. Can't you see beyond the visible light spectrum? Or is that your entire frame of reference?

((So you think that it's ok for us to be bullied for our lighter features?))

Don't play victim with me. Now you'll be saying on your blog that I think bullying someone because of their color is ok. That's the next thing people will try to bring against me. When have you ever heard me make that statement? Here I am making the point that you seem to be obsessed only with your hair and eye color. Can't you detach from it for one minute? So you can look at the bigger world?

((... we're countering the prejudice and discrimination still expressed against our hair colour (especially towards men) in festivals that now loop around the globe, from Israel's Carrot Kibbutz to San Francisco.!!))

But that's all you're talking about. Aren't there any other issues on your mind other than your hair or eye color?

((We are rare. That's why we're the most envied people on earth. That's why we're hated.))

There you go again. Back to this over and over. Are you seriously telling me that in the Western world, you are widely hated, marginalized, or discriminated against based only on your hair color? Tell me which company or organization would do that? I know I've been fired for my faith. Have you been fired from a job for your hair color?

((Disney and Hollywood are shining examples of redhead discrimination!))

Then why would you work for them? Support them? Or buy from them? Btw, here is my mean tweet on twitter I posted addressing this very thing.

In this I don’t just wish to uplift Western people, but also people of all colors and cultures. So give them their own characters and stories, too. Children of all differences should have stories and characters they can relate to. So let the redheads have theirs, too. Fair enough?

((So if you know that we are discriminated against, why are you comparing apples to oranges? We are a small minority and our representation is being erased.))

Why don't you take rejection with a smile? Isn't that what you always tell us when we face exclusion or hate on the bases ours? From our own people?? It's frustrating that no one came to my defense, and now there's an expectation for me to support those who've stayed silent about such prejudice. It feels like a double standard and a biased argument, considering the history of discrimination we've endured without much acknowledgment.

((But you've never been singled out for your hair color, Ms. Brown Hair!))

I've had hate thrown at me over it. I've been excluded, faced prejudice, and unfavorable criticism. I've recieved some pretty hateful reatoric from some very prejudice individuals. Haven't you been listening? It's happening to people like me, too. Claiming to be the most marginalized when others face exclusion and prejudice too? It seems you've missed that.

I'm also singled out for being different, by the way; lady. You are alarmed at people singling you out for being different? We all have our own set of struggles, don't we? But shouldn't we also learn to have and maintain focus? Not to worry about how people are looking at us? So instead of choosing to be a victim by putting your focus on how people are looking at you, why not learn to have and maintain focus? Blur out the noise. This is what I had to learn!

You got to put some things into perspective. You're put on a pedestal in our culture and yet you claim to be marginalized for having red/blonde hair and blue eyes?? How does that work exactly?

You have magazines, books, TV shows, songs, endless blogs. What more do you want to be done? But that's not good enough, is it?? But you claim that people like me, who have put you where you on that pedestal; don't care enough about you??? Stop already with this big lie! It's sickening!

People of every color and race who are different are picked on! Nowadays, everyone seems to gravitate towards victim culture rather than victor mentality. We've got to put our focus on the right things.

They are looking at everyone, not just you!

Maybe if this poster would take a look at the bigger world instead of viewing everything through the lens of race, melanin or the lack thereof, she wouldn't be so worried about how people are looking at her.

Hey lady. You're uncomfortable because people are singling you out for being different? So are all those who go against the grain. Do you know that when I, a darker featured Westerner; speak up against the antiwhite narrative you speak out against they also demonize me?

If you go against their narrative, you will face opposition. Do you not know that? But you seem to think they are only singling you out for your light features. But they are actually looking at everybody. They police conservatives, Christians, those who don't follow their view of liberalism, and those who speak against this "woke" antiwhite propaganda machine. But if you're paranoid, especially if you are overtly sensitive to your race, your color, your weight, your economic status, you'll think they are only looking at you. That's an extension to your own paranoid feelings. Because the mob doesn't care about your lack of pigment or the abundance thereof if you're promoting ideas or values that are contrary to their narrative.


Singled out vs Real Persecution

Drawing a comparison between genuine persecution and being singled out for your color or difference is a false dichotomy. It's essential to recognize that the two are distinct experiences.

Do you want to know what real persecution is? Do you even know what it is?

Let's look at albinos in Tanzania and whites in South Africa, which is a whole different story all together.

You want to know what REAL oppression looks like? Put yourself in their shoes. If you want to talk about those who are under targeted attack due to their lack of pigment, here is an example of this.

This is truly saddening guys.

And ironically, they weren't blonde. Let that sink in. So, tell me again how persecuted you are.

Those of other races who are different are also picked on!

Did you know that people of every hair color and people of every race have gone through the same thing at some point? I'm sure they felt uncomfortable, too. This isn't a unique thing to redheads and blondes with blue eyes! Do you understand that, now?

I will also point out that Christians of all descents have been more heavily persecuted.

Sure, we should raise awareness about those who are truly persecuted in other countries. Yes, there are certain exceptions. But in the US? You've got to have this mindset pounded into you to feel that way. Which the media blows out of proportion to make it look bigger than what it really is. What a better way to stir up hatred and division. Open your eyes, people!

And yes. The same could be said about Christianity. In the Middle East they are heavily persecuted. In the US they don’t know what persecution is. But if we aren’t careful we will end up the same way. Because without Christianity there would be no freedom in the Western world. There would be no women’s rights. So again, what is the most important thing to zero in on, here?


Singled out for being and looking different happens!

This isn’t that I don’t concur with the fact that people with rare or unusual traits are singled out, even excluded. I can sympathize with that as I have also been singled out occasionally for being different, too.

If you are different, you will be singled out. That's life. So what about my extremely rare feature? Have I ever felt bullied for that?

Yeah, I possess an eye color that is around 1% of the world's population But I've never felt I was "under attack" because of it.

The ironic thing is.... I used to wish I had blue eyes. All of my other siblings were born with them. So was I until they changed as a toddler.

They changed to this funny yellow copper color we now call Amber.

Amber Eyes, Blue Eyes, my eyes used to be blue but they changed.
From Blue Eyes to Amber Eyes.

We are so underrepresented because we are literally 100,000 people on the planet. No memes, no songs, nada. Heck! We aren't even listed on driver's licenses. What do you suppose that is? Oh the irony. This just goes to show, it's really not about rarity at all as they would argue.

On the other hand, I’ve been bullied for other reasons because of my hooded eye lids, face shape, and dark hair shade combination. This should be met with challenge in the right way, just as any other form of prejudice.

((But it seems you are trying to minimize our struggle with bullying and exclusion because you say you've never felt you were under attack for having a light feature.))

You're attempting to magnify this issue disproportionately. I've faced gaslighting for speaking out against the problematic Aryan beauty standard mindset. Isn't it crucial to address the anti-brown features beauty standard perpetuated by the beauty industry and society as well?

Do you also mean that we shouldn't be paying even more attention to what is being done to Christians by their governments, the Talaban, and Islam? I'm supposed to forget about them? And yet these are problems you choose to ignore.

((This has nothing to do with antiwhiteism.))

Well, there is only a certain amount of compassion that a human being can expend on strangers. I reserve my compassion for Christians who are persecuted by Islam and those being targeted for murder for following Jesus and following the truth. So, I tend to fund organizations who help those people. Sure, there are a lot of problems in the world. Everyone has problems. Being singled out for a light feature or two is not the biggest problem I've had to face. Nor is it the biggest problem on the planet!

((Can you have a little bit of compassion? Or do you want to be antiwhite?))

The problem is, you're trying to make this bigger than all the other issues. And I'm trying to put it into perspective. I think that it's out of proportion to its importance. So, if you want to rank importance, I will start with Christians who are persecuted and targeted for murder for their faith. Now, a person who was born different who is bullied or excluded for their looks, as I was; that is certainly a problem we have to deal with in society. But I don't think this is society's #1 problem.

((I'm not saying that either.))

So kindly illuminate me. What are you saying?

((You're trying to minimize our struggle. Blondes and redheads are bullied, attacked, or excluded for their light features.))

I heard it. I've read it. I know the talking points. If you are different, you will be singled out. That's life. Isn't that what you take pride in, anyway? Being different? It comes with the territory. So, what do you expect me to do about it?

((A little bit of compassion...))

In other words, you want me to put you on that pedestal. Don't you?

((You want to be antiwhite, don't you?))

You are conducting yourself like the thought police you claim to be in opposition of. Do you not realize that? You're trying to tell everyone what to think. And if I disagree with you, I'm guilty of the "ultimate sin"? And many of you would also have others believe that because you are singled out for being different, that also makes you the center of every conflict in which the whole world revolves around. I've heard the talking points.

The heart of the problem is the wickedness in man's heart. And Jesus is the only way to overcome that.

- See James 2:5-6

As God's chosen, we are never to show partiality between people, whether it be for economic status, race, color, or such like. For if we do, the scriptures clearly state that we are guilty of transgression.

We all have our own set of struggles, don't we? Many have tried to gaslight me for complaining about my personal experiences with this partial treatment while others have expressed to me how they could relate. But again, these prejudice people are in the minority.

But what happens when you go against the grain concerning wokeness and/or follow Jesus? You will be hated by the world if you are not of it regardless of your color. Look at what they tried to do to me.

Look at what they did to Jesus. Men hated Jesus, although he taught them, loved them, and healed them. And they nailed him to a cross. And he wasn't considered to be anything special to look at according to the worldly standard of importance. What do you suppose that is?

They really came after me. So much I had to shut down a few social media pages. They even tried to publicly smear me for speaking against antiwhite hatred in one tweet. Why would they do that? I was very perplexed by this. As Christians, we are to reject any type of race-hate.

Yes, I am completely aware of the bullying or exclusion those with lighter features face. I don't deny that this is a reality in our world as I have already demonstrated. Nor did I say we should not have compassion for those who have been victimized by this type of prejudice. So why do you also show partiality between people based on their color? Or these purity spiralists that are going to the other side of the extreme? Yet this is this something that is widely ignored and often dismissed in the Western positive sphere.

If you want to lift up Westerners, if you wish to encourage them to come out of the self-hate brainwashing of the media you cannot show partiality.

Likewise, if are a follower of Jesus, you will be more heavily persecuted. So again, its a matter of perspective. I'm not saying colorism should be ignored. No one said that. But put some things into perspective for God's sake!


Christians: The ignored marginalized group.

As a society we have lost our head. We've lost our perspective. We don't know what's up, what's down, what's right what's wrong. We can't rank anything in its order of importance. We've become deranged. And that's called insanity.

- Michael Savage

Knowing the nature of the battle that had been fought against Christians throughout the ages, I would expect more from those who wish to rank things in order of their importance. If you wish to rail about colorism and antiwhiteism that is promoted through the secular media, public schools, news, and through other forms of propaganda as you feel that you must, then why aren't you also concerned about the mass persecution of Christians?

What we need is righteous Westwomen and Westmen to help save the Christians. Where is the outcry against Christian persecution and slaughter in Egypt, the Middle East, South Africa, China, and Russia? Would we sit back and allow this to happen to our babies for any reason? Or children of any other ethnic group? Of course not! So why are we silent about the slaughter of Christians today?

Unless we say enough is enough, It will be allowed to continue. And it will come to our shores. Do you not get that? If we have the audacity to sit back and ignore this, then we can no longer call ourselves a viable nation. We have no right to be called a civilization or society!

The media remains silent about this ethnic cleansing of Christians in Africa and Egypt. Yet our media will have Hollywood producers making movies about it 10 years later! Our governments do nothing! Muslims blowing up churches, killing Christians, and the degenerate perverts in the media say nothing! It's almost as if there is a demonic hatred behind this persecution. And you know that those in our government and leadership aren't going to admit that there is a kingdom of darkness out there influencing people and the media. They don't want people to see the truth.

I have a lot of contempt against the degenerate leadership of this world. So why should we be concerned about this, as Westmen and Westwomen?

Here is part 2:


Why we should stop focusing on victimhood:

((What about the redheads who were hunted down for being witches in the Middle Ages?))

Show me the difference between rights or the lack of between anyone of any color in this country right now! Don't talk to me about the past. Show me one civil right that a dark-haired Westerner has that a lighter featured Westerner does not have in this country. Name one!

You see, the only reason why you can't give me an answer to that question is because there isn't one that will satisfy your propagandist lie. Let's explore this with open minds and seek understanding, recognizing that perspectives may differ.

And you think you are empowering yourself by embracing victim culture? All you are doing is imprisoning yourself and keeping yourself down. You'll never move ahead in this country with that mentality.

And this goes for people who look like me, too. Because it will fill you with the same hatred the woke anti-white movement has. And now it's come down to a dislike for those of your own people? That's really sad to me.

And for this reason, I will be stepping away from any ideology that promotes this victim-hood mentality based on color or race. I will not utilize my talents or abilities to promote such ideas. I will not put any other group of people over the other. I will position myself in an environment that will not devalue me or disregard my struggles based on the color I was born with.

Whether you choose to shrug this off and say: (("And nothing of 'value' was lost. We don't need people like you, anyway. We never did")) I encourage you to think about those words. Because someday I am going to be an influential leader. I may be the CEO of the next major video game company, a singer songwriter, or simply a graphic novelist who writes stories where Western men and women can be positively represented again. But I will never stop believing that everyone has value no matter their color or personal beliefs. And it's a shame that you felt the need to exclude people who look like me on the basis of their color to make your points. Those who would otherwise utilize their talents and abilities to bring benefit to you and your community. It's a shame that physical appearance matters more to you than that.

((We can find another person like you on every corner.))

Its like what diamondmedia_llc quoted:

"You all need to stop with that whole "I got a lot of options" mentality. Because you really don't.

We are living in a generation where the majority of everyone is cutthroat, damaged, battling demons, have hidden agendas, don't know how to give or receive love, fine with situationships, don't have any morals, and just completely lost.

It is very rare that you come across someone who's really for you, that's going to stimulate you mentally emotionally, spiritually, physically, and financially towards your victories.

Y'all are really out here fumbling good people that you come across once in a lifetime just to spend a sum of yours searching for it in all these temporary people.

You'll learn the hard way that not everyone can be replaced."

And you know, he was right.

Putting one group above the other, this is what created this monster in the first place: this race-hate. I understand that you want to uplift your own image, but you don't uplift people by tearing other people down! That's not how you do this!

You don't uplift redheads/blondes by tearing down those of us who are born with brunette features. You lift everybody up and everybody will rise together! That's how you uplift people! That's how you make a difference! That's how you do things better.

You don't need to be making these lighter featured Westerners out to be the biggest victims. You're not a victim! I won't teach my blonde daughter to be a victim. She is not a victim. She is a victor! You, too; can also become victorious in Jesus Christ!

You work hard. You apply yourself. And you can see where you will go from there! If you are sitting on the side lines complaining and not putting in any effort to better your community, if you don't have faith or believe in your dreams, then don't complain on social media about what someone else is doing! I'll listen to you only if I see that you are trying to make a difference by putting together the best effort that you can. Not riding the coattail of your ancestor's accomplishments. Your own accomplishments should be what speaks volumes!

Don't give me this guff: (("All these people are targeting me and discriminating against me...")) Get out of my face with that!

I'm not denying your struggles and legitimate experiences with being singled out, bullying, exclusion. But measuring someone's grievances by their hair color? That's just crazy to me!

It seems you are trying to push a false narrative that people are privileged based on the color they were born with, as if those with brunette features are magically born with a debit card in their hands, as if we don't have to go to work, or study for tests, and somehow, if we are just born with the "right" hair color then we magically become successful? This false narrative that we don't have trauma, don't get abused, don't get bullied or put down, don't come from broken families is heavily pushed in Western Positive circles. People don't have these struggles based on their melanin level. That's the only way you can claim that someone has privilege is if these things are true. But that's not true. Not for any of them!

Western people (regardless of color), just like people of any other culture, nationality, or race, we all have one thing in common. We have 24 hours a day to do the best we can. God has given us 5 cards, figuratively speaking; to play. Everyone doesn't have the same cards. It may seem like you have a bad hand of cards. But what you think is a bad hand, if you play your cards better than the man in front of you, you still win the game. The beauty is that God has given us all 5 cards. We got the same number of cards. Just play your cards right.

Some people have a whole deck of winning cards, and they throw the game because they are arrogant, because they don't believe God, or they don't have faith. They don't have integrity. They throw the game with all of those good cards in their hands. And some people, such as I; have nothing but perceivably low value cards. Can I tell you about mine? When I began life:

1. Parents were on drugs,

2. I was born poor,

3. Daddy left my family,

4. Got molested when I was young,

5. Underlying health conditions later in life.

But God has given me the knowledge and wisdom to play these cards, and he can do the same for you. You can still win with these cards. I've been there. I've been down a rough road. And I am becoming more successful every day!

If you want to know more about how to truly become successful, remember, you are not a victim! You are victorious!

So, leave the victim mentality behind and put things in order of their importance. And by this you will become victorious. Peace!


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"You see, the reason why you aren't giving me an answer is because there isn't one that will satisfy your propagandists lie."

What part of our message is the "propaganda" part? Let's dissect this....if you dare.

-Meow, Or Scratch

Retro Sonya
Retro Sonya

One cannot be defined by genetics alone. Genetics only define our outward appearance and physical reality. Who you are and your identity is based on your relationship with God.

I agree you are being attacked, I know. But it's not just because you are white. They attack you to DIVIDE US! Can't you see it? They want you to hate anything that is not white. They want blacks to hate whites, they want to divide us so we are not united and they can control us. Unity is what they fear!



Stop gaslighting, Maricon. The antiwhite narrative Is blatantly in everyone's face.

-Adeptus Nemesis

Retro Sonya
Retro Sonya

((It's fact. No one cares about you. Lol))

((They want our white skin and blue/green eyes gone.))

So why do you believe that everyone resents you for your light features? Because it looks cool? Because it supposedly makes you "look better"? So your pride can go up? Yes, that mindset is why people in general want these things. And that is why you go on social media bragging about it while telling all these people that they are biggest victims. It is why we have endless blogs, videos, magazines, celebration pages centered around this. We even have celebration days and fests that glorify these things in our culture. It's why you see these people on social media posting pictures of…



Lmao. Again, a non-White saying Whites aren’t targeted. It is hilarious. Taking notes.


Retro Sonya
Retro Sonya

I'm non-white? That's a new one. I'm pretty white, so I think your comment is hilarious. I am not downplaying the attacks against white people with my long winded blog post. I am merely pointing out that we are all under attack, and may I add; by the same enemy.



STOP. We all know there's only one group actually being singled out, blamed for everything and attacked by the entire mainstream establishment, education, media, Silicon Valley, banks, entertainment and in pop culture. In fact, you get awards and money for doing do!


Retro Sonya
Retro Sonya

Almost everyone knows, if they've been paying attention; that the media is only there to sell us what they want us to believe. However, you guys are buying into this idea that the world is about whites vs non whites... light features vs dark features... That is a very dangerous way of seeing the world. That's the mindset that lead to Nazism. There is a broader way to view the world than hair, eye, skin tone, or ethnic background. Outside the internet, people don't care about your skin or race!

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