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Writer's pictureRetro Sonya

Religion in Video Games

Updated: Dec 10, 2020

And it's controversy!

Religion in video games

Why am I wanting to become a game artist and game designer? Is it just to make money or is it with a purpose? What cause am I going to do it for? I believe I have come to know the answers to these questions. I want to become a game artist and designer because of my passion for gaming. I love stories, animation, and it has been a childhood dream of mine to create my own RPGs ever since “Legend of Zelda” first came out in the NES and SNES. I was lucky enough to play the first Nintendo, and “A Link to the Past” on the Super Nintendo. I was into it. But it’s not just about the story. It’s about what is being taught, and I believe that the game industry needs a change.

I believe we should implement traditional values in gaming and not the stuff we see on TV or in the mainstream music industry. We know what this consists of, but there are others who would like an alternative, and that is what I would like to help provide. Why is this important?

There are those that wish to hijack the gaming industry as well as they have the others, but I won't stand for it. We can't let them have it all and ruin the experience completely!

We know that it can be used as a very valuable tool to help make people’s lives better. That is why I want to do this! And there should be an alternative available for those who want it. Yes, this is a great cause for concern. However, I knew from the start that I would receive criticism for this. And Anonymous doesn't want religion in games. But you will find that secular games also have religion. Here is what he said:

((I will clue you in to one thing. I grew up in a very Christian home. This caused a lot of fights with my mother due to the fact that I was not allowed to play violent or other kinds of video games growing up. Personally, I believe that all types of religion should be left out of video games so as not to influence kids or others one way or another. I believe that a depiction of religion is fine but not a game wholly based on religious foundations. You may not know but an old Gameboy game called Exodus was based on Moses as he was set about certain "tasks" to fulfill his god's command. The game tanked in sales and was soon taken off all retail shelves because parents didn't like what it was "teaching" their kids. I will take it upon myself and say for the general populace of gamers that we do not need or want a heavy religious game or alternative. We do however appreciate your input. Keep it up.))


I have depicted the opposing view in ((double parenthesis)) so it will jump out at you! Enjoy the read!

((I grew up in a very Christian home. This caused a lot of fights with my mother due to the fact that I was not allowed to play violent or other kinds of video games growing up.))

There is an old saying: “If you don’t teach your children to follow Christ, the world will teach them not to.” This rings true. I wish I could have grown up in a family with Christian principles. Why is this bad? There are some games I do play with violence in it. Depending on what standard you choose to hold will determine how much of that you feel you can handle. But choose wisely.

((“Personally I believe that all types of religion should be left out of video games so as not to influence kids or others one way or another.”))

Tell that to the game developers. Yes, there is religion in video games whether you like it or not, whether you agree with it or not.

Anonymous has challenged me with an anti-religion stance in video games. I am spelling it out! There is already religion promoted in video games. Spoiler: it's not Christianity. Check these out!


The Legend of Zelda: Triforce and Trinity

Legend of Zelda Trinity

One of the most significant symbols in The Legend of Zelda mythos – if not the most important symbol – is the Triforce. It began as an artifact embodying particular virtues. The three-part Triforce-design is based upon a symbol of significance to Japanese history, the crest of the powerful Hojo clan. It took upon particularly important meaning in the Zelda-verse mythology when it became tied to the Three Goddesses. The Triforce’s roots (as well as the possible roots of the three sacred jewels, pendants, and pearls seen throughout the game series) would seem to lie in Shinto, which can be read about in greater detail in the article here. The linked article deals with Shinto elements in A Link to the Past in particular.

A cursory look into Japanese mythology speaks of the three regalia symbolizing the Japanese royal family (one of which is a sword interestingly nicknamed “Grasscutter” or “Lawnmower” depending upon translation – something to ponder when you’re using Link’s Master Sword to cut the grass). The regalia are meant to represent the virtues to be embodied by the descendants of the sun goddess, Amatersu – the royal family. These virtues are “wisdom,” “benevolence,” and “valor,” or “power,” “wisdom” and “benevolence/courage,” depending upon translation. It is very easy to see the links between these stories and the Legend of Zelda universe.


Breath of Fire II & III series – An evil Church, An evil God (Goddess), and paganism.

Traveling on Mina, the group makes their way to the main church and sneak inside. It is revealed that the religion is a front for a demon lord who uses the prayers of the people to empower itself and that Ryu's father Ganer is being held prisoner inside, having been kidnapped by Aruhameru ten years ago.

Ryu and his friends escape the church as they destroy it, making their way back to Gate to stop the demons' plot once and for all. In Gate, they meet and do battle with Father Hulk, the pastor who took over the Gate church years ago after Ganer was imprisoned. In order for Father Hulk

to open the seal in the mountain, he needs a member of the dragon clan.

Ryu and friends are tricked into bringing him the thief Patty, whose membership in the dragon clan reveals her to be Yua, Ryu's sister. Father Hulk reveals himself as the demon Habaruku, founder of the Church of St. Eva and Ryu does battle with him. The dragon at the mountain springs to life, and transforms into the spirit of a woman, revealing herself to be Ryu's mother Valerie, a member of the Dragon Clan who traveled from their hiding place in the mountain years ago and married Ryu's father, later sacrificing herself to save the town.

Ryu and his team travel into the cave going deep underground to the demon stronghold, where they meet the last remaining members of the Dragon Clan. After gaining the ultimate dragon power, Ryu battles Barubary, the demon from his past, and his master, Deathevn, leader of the St. Eva religion revealed to be a remnant of Myria, the mad goddess from the previous game. After unleashing his full strength, Ryu defeats Deathevn and returns home with two possible endings based on whether the player rescued his father from the St. Eva Church - either sacrificing himself like his mother by transforming into a dragon to prevent further demon encroachment, or by having Ganer pilot a floating landmass on top of the mountain and seal it off for good.

Sonya’s Note: It’s amazing how “Christian Like” this fake religion is in the game. Breath of Fire III is like Breath of Fire II. In the end, the church and God are always the enemy. Xenogears is another game you can check out. I have not personally played this game, but I heard that it also involves some evil churches in it as well.


Dragon Quest: The Goddess

The Goddess is a recurring deity in several Dragon Quest game series games.

She is the creator figure who shaped many of the worlds featured in the series and brought each of its various races into being, with the exception of the world of Alefgard and the worlds of Dragon Quest VII and IX, which were created by Rubiss, God and Zenus respectively.

Humans in the series have formed religions associated with her, which they access through the holy sites of churches and their various services; however, it would seem that all races, even demons, at least acknowledge her. Castles everywhere frequently showcase the Goddess depicted in statue, and churches often use a trident-shaped symbol to represent her (however this symbol is also used with other major gods in the series).


Silent Hill: The Order

The religion most people think of when they look at The Order. Like Christianity, the Order calls their deity "God." Both Gods are Savior deities who are believed to one day return to Earth and give believers (or all of humanity, depending on one's interpretations) eternal life and happiness.

The Order also has similarities with Catholicism specifically. The clergy performs confessionals as Catholics do. Both believe in Purgatory. Some have pointed out Gnostic themes in Silent Hill. The Order believes this world to be a Hell whereas the more fantastic Otherworld is a pleasant realm, just as Gnostics believe the physical world to be an inferior world. This is, however, reversed in that the Otherworld is actually a Hellish realm whereas the glimpses we have of the real world is it being a normal place.

Near the end of Silent Hill 3, Heather reads part of a book on Tarot. It mentions the "Gardner deck." This is likely a reference to Gerald Gardner, one of the founders of Wicca. The creators have stated that the Order was partially off of Mesoamerican rituals and beliefs. We see this in the Order's practice of human sacrifice, especially when Heather pours blood on the altar found in the Otherworld Brookhaven Hospital.

The Otherworld is a term from Celtic paganism. In Celtic paganism, the Otherworld was a magical place where fairies, gods, and other magical creatures lived. Some also believed it was the Celtic afterlife. Another possible influence is the Shinto religion. In Shintoism, there is a belief in "Kami." "Kami" is often mistranslated as "god," but it's actually more complex than that. Some have pointed out the Order has similarities to Satanism. Both religions believe in the Occult and try to attain Occult powers.

When the God was expelled from Alessa in the first game, it created the Incubus, which looks like the Baphomet, a figure associated with Satanism and the Left-Hand Path. The first game contains Kabbalistic references in the form of a puzzle.

Read Source here.


Chrono Series – New Age Evolution and the Dragon gods

The new age movement teaches that we are evolving into Godhood. This is taught in a book called the “Indigo Child” by Lee Carol and John Tobor. Of course, this game also mentions the teaching of evolution within the storyline.

They also have dragon deities that you fight against in the Chrono Cross series. Yes, there is a religion other than evolution in this series. Much of this stems from Eastern Paganism and of course, it's not going to change another person's faith by playing it. It would only be understood as fantasy to give the mind imagination. After all, isn't this what it's supposed to be about? But what about those who would like to express their individuality and their beliefs?


And Final Fantasy – Paganism and Evil Churches

You don’t want to get me started on this one. Like Silent Hill, Final Fantasy has many religious elements woven into it that stem from Evolution, New Age, Christianity, Paganism, Catholicism, and Wicca. It even involves evil churches as well. It doesn't speak too highly of churches or religion and often times frowns down upon anything that has to do with Christianity (along with most games that come from Japan).

To check out all of the different elements here is the source.


Christianity vs other religions in video games

Sorry for my book, but these all have religion in them, and no uproar is heard about them.​ They are some of the most popular and well-known games on the market. They are among some of the best-sellers as well.

(( I believe that a depiction of religion is fine but not a game wholly based on religious foundations. ))

No, you just don't want Christianity depicted. It's that simple. But ChristiAnime isn’t about a religious foundation. It’s about providing a godly alternative for those who want it. Here is a fact: games do not have to be religious to tell a captivating story, nor does it have to force an opinion or view on unsuspected readers to teach a great moral lesson. You can weave a life’s lesson into a storyline without making people feel like they are being preached to. Here is how.

(( You may not know but an old Gameboy game called Exodus was based on Moses as he was set about certain "tasks" to fulfill his god's command. The game tanked in sales and was soon taken off all retail shelves because parents didn't like what it was "teaching" their kids. ))

And what are parents allowing their kids to learn nowadays? They will sit them in front of a TV that will pollute their minds and dumb them down, but not allow traditional values be taught to them? This world has it backward. They call evil good and good evil. Christianity is next to unheard of in video games nowadays. And yet religion is still in the mix. How can this be?

I am going to spell it out, It's not religion that people get ticked off over. It's the root of what true Christianity teaches: responsibility for your own actions, and that there are consequences when you don’t. To acknowledge the creator and his sovereignty is to also admit that we are wrong and he is right.

I realize there will be those who don't agree with it. That is a given. But you know something? They aren't the audience I'm trying to reach out to. Here is the key, “Know Your Audience”.

My audiences are people who want that alternative and are sick and tired of the political correctness that is being pushed on them through the media. Check out the Illuminati Game to find out more. Christians have had their faith attacked through many things, and this includes the anti-Christian stance that many of these writers have implemented in games.

(( I will take it upon myself and say for the general populace of gamers that we do not need or want a heavy religious game or alternative. ))

I understand where you are coming from. You can't force your opinions or views on others. Most readers or viewers don't want to be preached to. But an overly religious alternative? Who said anything about that? That is some straw man.

What I am endorsing is a family-friendly alternative apart from the adult content or we find widely in anime from Japan or the political push we are seeing more of in everything else.

Also, many of these Japanese games paint church or faith in God in such a negative light. Today's political correctness agenda is no exception. We find much of that beginning to seep more into children's entertainment as well as games. Here is something we really don't want or need. We don't need that shoved down our throats or forced on our kids. It's bad enough when we see it happening through our public school systems. Shouldn't that be a cause for concern for Christian and non-Christians alike?

The increased negativity spoken about faith and God and political correctness is at an all-time high. To me, that is insulting and degrading to depict God-fearing people as killers and villains while painting everyone with such a broad brush. This is why we want to provide an alternative for our kids.

Yes, there are religious hypocrites, but the actions of some don't speak for all. And how can you claim to be a follower of Christ if you go out and kill innocent people? Think about it. Jesus never taught his followers to hate people or kill them!

((Get over it! They believe differently than you! If you don't like it, don't play it!))

Funny how it is, the same people with this argument are the same people that would tell me to shut-up for pointing out other religions being taught within games and anime, and “If you don’t like them, don’t play them”. You should take your own advice. And I will work to make an alternative that we know will teach our children better things and help them to grow spiritually! Hope this helps!

And if you are a Christian who is interested in making wholesome games, join the Christian Game Creators Community and get involved! God Bless!

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