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Writer's pictureRetro Sonya

Standing strong on your own!

What to do when you have become a target for a public smear campaign.

Dealing with public smear campaign, handling smear campaigns, responding to smear campaigns, coping with character assassination, managing reputation attacks, strategies for handling defamation, defending against false accusations, protecting reputation from smear campaigns, legal actions against smear campaigns, seeking support during smear campaign, navigating public attacks, overcoming smear campaigns, damage control for public defamation, rebuilding reputation after smear campaign. Responding to online defamation, handling online character attacks, protecting reputation from online smears, legal recourse for online defamation, dealing with false accusations online, managing online reputation attacks, defending against online defamation, steps to take when defamed online, combating online defamation, reporting online defamation, seeking support for online character assassination, reputation management in the digital age, damage control for online defamation, rebuilding online reputation after defamation.

Are you being attacked by a group of people who have been talking trash about you behind your back? Or a victim of a defamation campaign online? Do you have people trying to devise wicked plans against you? If you've got people trying to go out of their way to make sure that you're miserable, or to make you look bad in a group setting, here I will be discussing how to handle the situation. More details below.


Why groups attack individuals:

I want you to understand that a group of people have to attack you because one weak-minded coward can't touch you! And that one coward had to go get their friends, had to go get their family and lie on your name. Why? Because they are weak. They can't do it themselves. So, they had to go get other people and lie to them in order to convince them that you're the enemy, that you're the problem, and that you need to be eradicated and held responsible.

This happened to me, as a strong individual who stood up for what I believed in. And that means that you will often stand alone. And that means not going around being friends with fake people while being fake as all get-out. You may be the type that doesn't go around trying to get into people groups and circles, either. You stand powerful on your own two feet. You stand tall with God being on your side.

If you're standing up for what you believe in, or maybe you might be trying to make improvements to yourself, there's a chance you may just run into a group of angry woke apologists or haters. People, that no matter what you do; are just going to be mad at you run their mouths about you. That may be a sign that you're doing something right.

You're absolutely doing something right when people do this. It doesn't matter what the threats are, what they are saying about you. You are a powerful individual! Because the fact that there's at least 3 or more people trying to take you down? For being authentic? Why else would they do this? That is a wow factor.

Is it really going to take a group of people to break your spirit? When you stand strong in spite of, they will find that not even then can your spirit be broken. Not even then can your energy be taken from you. Not even your authenticity can be stomped on. Because that is you. That is who you are.

Think about it. If it takes three or more people and three or more brains to try to attack one person, that tells you everything, doesn't it?

So don't give into people who talk trash about you. Especially people online, people in person, people you go to school with, people you work with that just talk trash, mean bullies, and people on your job excluding you out of meetings and such like.

Just remember that three people is a crowd, ok? And if you are doing what you have to do, you're genuinely elevating your life, you're glowing with the joy of the Lord, your face is shining, you have joy and fulfilment in life, you're fulfilling your dreams and God-given purpose, then you're elevating!

You see, those people in that group are suffering. And they are going to continue to suffer because they picked on someone who is innocent, because they were trying to touch God's anointed, because they were messing with someone who had the power to overcome them. All the while, they are engulfed with this world's darkness and demons.

Do you understand?

Don't ever doubt yourself. Don't ever dim your light. Don't ever make yourself seem like you're not achieving greatness. If you know your value, what you stand for, who's you are, and where you are going, and if you're standing on your own two feet living for God, why would you need the world's approval?


Why they give into the lies!

as I stated before:

Anyone who believes in the lies that are spoken about you without knowing your side of the story were already looking for a way to be against you.

I can't say this enough! There are people who are just miserable and will believe lies that are being spoken over you. Why? Because they don't use their brains. Therefore, they don't think for themselves. They can't think: "Hmmm, is this person really like this? Or is this other person just talking smack?" If they don't bother asking the question, you know they don't know how to think for themselves but need others to think for them.

If it takes three or more people to use one brain cell, they're not going to be able to attack you. Especially if God knows you are his child.

If you know that you are protected, and God has his angels surrounding you, then you don't have to worry about these people. So, keep that authenticity, no matter who is talking about you. I don't care if they get law enforcement involved, threaten to take you to court, or try to get powerful people to side with them against you. It doesn't matter what they try to bring against you. Nobody can outpower a child of God who knows what's going on.

If God be for you, who can be against you?

Nevertheless, people like this will always try. And guess what; they hurt themselves in the process of trying to hurt you. So again, don't worry about what these people are saying about you. Keep your focus on Jesus, his purpose for your life, continue to love yourself, continue to fixate your attention, the attention that you were giving to all those toxic people; onto Jesus instead. Continue to fill your mind with God's word every day. Continue to exercise that authority you have as a Holy Ghost filled believer. If it seems you don't have anybody else, know that there is more for you in heaven than all of the demonic kingdoms can bring against you.


Resist the urge to defend yourself!

Get comfortable letting stupid people win an argument and just reply: ok 👍🏻

If you are currently a target of an attempt character assassination, or it is escalated and you are now a victim of a smear campaign, I want you to get this in your mind, and commit these few lines to memory.

Slander reveals the greatest truth about the coward. Your character, overtime; will say more about you than any lie they told. You don't need to tell your side of the story. There is a phrase that say:

Don't tell your side of the story. Time will.

Always remember that what is currently being thrown at you publicly is what that person throws at themselves internally in private.

Resist the urge to defend yourself Resist the urge to clear the record. I was the target of a smear campaign a few years ago and did the exact thing I am advising you against. I made this mistake. One important lesson I have learned: This is precisely what the defamers want. Here is why. The moment you defend yourself, you look guilty. The moment you try to say that they were the problem and try to expose them, they will accuse you of targeting them in a smear campaign.

They are more cunning then you realize. So what do you do? You block them and you ignore them. They only exist if you react. They only exist if you care. They only exist if you give attention.

The narcissist will accuse you of deplorable things, and usually things that they are actually doing. Things that they have done time and time again to other people. They are perfectly aware of what they are doing. And they are hiding their faces while doing so. But you don't have to hide your face, because you are not the perpetrator. Starve them of their supply of attention. Thats my best advice.


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