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Writer's pictureRetro Sonya

How I Found the Truth - Part 4

While I was studying the Bible with Salvador, I still thought I was saved, but my point of view changed later as God started revealing some things to me. After the discussion at the wreck, Salvador and I walked to the male dorm to discuss another subject with someone else. This other young man began to ask questions to us about salvation. I opened up and told him about what I had been taught all my life, “Just accept the Lord as your savior. Ask him to forgive you and that’s it,” as I stated. Salvador came in on the conversation. He said: “I’m not trying to get down on what she’s saying, but there is more to it than that. You must be born again of water and spirit, baptized with the Holy Ghost. ”What in the world is this guy talking about?” I thought. I wondered.

Afterward, Salvador mentioned that God told him to invite me to church. The confirmation I have been waiting for. I said, “Ok. I guess I’ll try it out. Thanx.” I read the church card and it said “Apostolic Bible Church” which I did not know how to pronounce. “What kind of church is this?” I asked myself. “I never heard of that either.”

On my way to Salvador’s church that weekend, the bus was giving me and some other kids a ride; they stopped by my old church (the one I was going to, previously). All of a sudden I felt this feeling come over me. I felt that something was just not right. I did not know what it was (at the time), but something was not right. I know now that God was trying to show me some things. I later realized that church was teaching false doctrine. The other young people got off while I waited on the bus. They went and dropped me off at my church, afterward. It was a very small building, but when I went inside, I found people praying and seeking God wholeheartedly. At first it seemed weird to me because it was not something I was used to, but I felt something different in that place that I had never felt in the churches I grew up in. I felt the presence of God so strong it moved me. From there, I knew that is where God wanted me.

After living in a world that was old and boring, filthy and nasty, and dirty, and disgusting, and making me go to bed every night with a sick feeling in my stomach (for 18 years), I wanted something different. I wanted a better life for myself than I grew up with. And to do that I knew I needed to make better choices. And after discovering that this small group of people actually had morals, I knew there was something different about them, something I wanted. They gave me a warm welcome, which I thought was really nice, but since I didn’t know anyone it was kind of hard for me to connect at first. But after feeling the presence of God, and seeing the different lifestyle these people were living, and the moral stance, I felt very drawn to it, and I knew from the first visit that I had to go back.

After I started going there regularly, a young lady my age gave me a Bible study on salvation. I was shocked afterward! I’m sure you will be too after hearing what I am about to tell you. Read "The Biblical Plan of Salvation" Part 1 to find out!

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