People seem to assume that you have to be someone famous in order to be hunted down by the “witch hunters”.

Seeing some of the responses from people about my “defamation of character” story, I got quite a few good responses. But some negative responses have also left me dumbfounded. It's really gotten me to thinking about perception vs reality. People seem to assume that you have to be someone famous in order to be important or to make an impact on the world. Or, better yet; to be hunted down by the “witch hunters”.
I've received comments like:
((And... you are?)) Insinuating that I'm a 'nobody' so who cares?
(("She's a nobody, just like the rest of us. But she just can't accept it."))
Actually, I do. But is one's 'importance' or 'significance' in the world truly tied to fame or renown?
(("Who do you think you are? You can't get out of jail. You can't go and get out of jail because you want to. We're stuck in here."))
Speaking of fame, I would encourage all my followers who are music producers to stop trying to become famous! I can't say this enough! You have a certain micro-niche of music? Marketing your music to only those who like your niche will also mean that others who aren't fans of it may not know about you.
I am not concerned about being world famous. Here is why. When people see my boosted posts and say: (("Who the heck are you?")), (("Sonya, you're a nobody")), or ((How come I've never heard of you?)). This is all because I'm not what they expect a music artist to be: That world famous pop star we've been conditioned to compare ourselves to. They are probably not a fan of Ethereal Synthwave, Downtempo Synthwave, or New Wave which are all0 80s inspired. So, of course they've never heard of me. Why would they have heard of me if they are not in my target market? I only target people of a particular niche interest. If they are into country music, or pop-rock, hardcore, heavy metal, or something like that, they probably won't ever hear about me. This is the internet age. I don't have to be a household name to be successful. And until people understand that, which many don't; they are always going to compare you to those world-famous pop star singers in the mainstream media! Ok, moving on.
Some people won't take too kindly of your success or potential. Famous or not. Especially when it comes to your hard work and the hours and hours and hours you have spent carefully arranging the notes and instruments to your songs. And it shows. 👇

☝️ I have the right to boost my posts. Don't like them? Scroll past me or block me, dude. Because, again; you cared enough to comment. Priceless!!!
And "Who are you???" Let us know what your accomplishments are. Show us your face if you have the guts, which we know you don't.
The coping from these haters is hilarious. I always tell people: I am the biggest nobody that ever hit shoe leather. I'm not denying it. So why do they keep taking shots at me for being a nobody? I would like to state the difference between someone like me who is actually accomplishing her dreams and haters like this guy who seethe at people doing so.
I am not here to be famous. I don't really care for the idea of getting full fledge attention in the public eye every day, which would actually affect every aspect of how I'd live my life. You don't have to have millions of followers on social media to be successful. After all, the bigger you are, the bigger target you put on your back.
To think of it, I actually like being smaller because I can show up by surprise (to the people that weren't even expecting me to show up) at any time. They won't ever see me coming. So, it's good to have a smaller audience. A smaller audience is often a more dedicated one. And I actually like the fact that people don't know who the heck I am. And as much as you try to convince me (and the entire comment section) that you don't care, I find it very interesting how, as irrelevant as I am, as unknown as I am, as "Insignificant" as you say I am, you felt the need to take a shot at me instead of just scrolling past. Why, if I'm just a (("Who the heck is she, Willis?")) How is it that I have been able to trigger you in such a way for merely sharing my blogs and just making the music I love?
This is just confirmation of how powerful your dream is. Your dream is dangerous! And people fear your potential because it is a perceived threat to them!
They just will never understand what it takes to produce something of real value because they haven't produced anything of value themselves. Nor will they at this rate. Because if they were going to, they would be too busy doing that than spending their spare time trying to tare others down.
You won't ever become successful while hating on other people. And that's a fact. So, hate away. Because hate fuels me! Sending love!
Confused supporters just have jealousy and ego that won't let them admit it!
Read more at: "The real reason why they hate you" and Your music sucks - responding to rude comments.
But what happens when the people who hate you want to pull you down even further? If hateful words won't work, just defame them. That's right. Just publicly smear their name all over the internet by spreading rumors about them that aren't true. That will do the trick, right?
Some people are just downright cruel! And I don’t think that these people, who were downplaying me because I'm not a "famous somebody" realize that you don’t have to be a “famous somebody” to be censored, doxed, or publicly smeared by haters.
Read more at: "My Bandcamp was deleted" and "Twitter suspended me for sharing my faith"!
You could be living on an island somewhere away from society and still have people on the other side who will have a problem with you, or haters spreading misinformation about you simply because they perceive your potential or dream as a threat.
You could even be just an everyday average guy expressing a different view point that some people may disagree with. Yeah, that was me, too. And I know I'm not the only one, either. This US veteran expressed his traditional values and posted a sign in his store stating:
"If you are born with a dick, you are not a chick."
((Trans-phobe much?)) 😂 Let's see how many people get offended over this one. Well, lo and behold, an extremist from the "woke" community shows up at this man's front door in hopes that he could cancel this guy of a different point of view as if this US veteran needed to get his permission to express his own views in America. And now the witch hunt begins. Who would have thought this would happen to some small town veteran with no social media following. 👇
No matter who you are, sooner or later, there will be someone you’ll cross paths with who will have a problem with you. That’s life. But maybe I’m just wrong. 🤷♀️
The scriptures plainly teach us:
A woman must not wear men’s clothing, and a man must not wear women’s clothing, for whoever does these things is detestable to the LORD your God.
- Deuteronomy 22:5
Why the distinction between man and woman? Because God knew, that in the wickedness of man's heart; that he would desire to pervert God's plan of marriage between a man and a woman. So he said: "There is a difference between man and woman, their roles, the way they conduct themselves, and the things they are to do. This is the way I created them. And this is the way I want them to be."
Read more at: Why do some Christian women only wear skirts and dresses?
Yeah, make a song about that and let that circulate. See how well people receive that message these days? See how many people launch witch hunt campaigns against you or try to get you banned off of social networks, and if it be possible; to get you fired from your job.
Where is "Freedom of Speech" and "Freedom of Religion" being held up in society anymore?
Does fame truly make one important? - TikTok and #IDIOCRACY
Speaking of fame, why are stupid people being made famous today? And even sponsored while actual skilled people who contribute to society and people who actually produce quality content are thrown under the bus? It just does not make any sense to me.
Why is it that many of today's TikTok stars gain millions of followers doing nothing while the people who actually take the time to learn a skill, a musical instrument, musical compositions, or have real artistic talent are left with only a few hundred followers on social media? Do people not care about quality or talent anymore?
Doesn't seem to me that you have to do much to be famous, nowadays. What a time to be alive.
Imagine how miserable a life of pure vanity and selfishness is…. Chasing money and fame, posting selfies non stop for attention.. thriving on what others think of you and making that your worth … when Jesus is right within your midst …How empty. How absolutely empty.
And while I say you don't have to be famous to be important, being famous also doesn't make someone important, either.
Especially today when all you have to do is take random pictures and videos of yourself and post them on TikTok, instagram, facebook, or YouTube. I would encourage you to see how many followers these narcissistic people have verses the people who actually have something to offer. What in the world is happening to us?
You don't have to have millions of fans to be successful
So, in light of the fact that you don't have to do much to be famous anymore, what about musicians who are strategic and know how to market their music to the right people? If you think you have to be world famous to establish a successful music career, you're thinking in the old mindset. So what must a music artist do to be successful in the sea of the internet and the new music industry in light of all of this? You don't have to have millions of fans or followers on social media to be successful! You can have up to 2000 super-fans and be financially successful. Often having a smaller audience means having a more dedicated audience!
For our FREE Resource "19 Proven Sources of Income you probably haven't considered for your music business, go to
Here are some music industry tips I have learned. If you're not marketing to a niche audience, you aren't marketing your music to anyone. Choose your micro-genre and stick with it! And connect with audiences of artists who are similar to you!
Take a look at artists who have made it outside of having millions of followers on social media, and how you can make it!
So in light of this, do you have to be world famous to be successful? Knowing this and thinking in that old mindset? You'd have to kid yourself to think you do. You don't!
It’s ok to be a nobody.
The things that this world believes add value or success to one's life can be very superficial.
Sometimes your need to be seen and recognized can make you feel invisible in this world. Don’t let a world full of darkness and confusion determine your self-worth or significance. Know that the importance of the life you live lies in the purpose God has for you, not in how society views you.
It's like what I quoted on the "Unfinished Sculpture".
"I have a vision of this beautiful yet unfinished sculpture. Your accomplishment/work is one in the same, beautiful yet unfinished. Finish what God has put in your hand to do. Even if it may seem hopeless, even if you feel like you can't. You must finish that sculpture so it will be able to fulfill its purpose. God puts dreams in our hearts for a reason, because he has a purpose for us and he wants us to realize those dreams."
It's ok to be a 'nobody'. Because this “nobody” is destined for greatness! Are you?
Remember, nobody watches you more closely than people who don't like you. So make sure you put on a show they'll never forget, and let them have the front row seat to watch your greatness!
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🏰 #GodWins 🌈❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗